The last episode was released in 1997, when the series was dropped to make room for more shows aimed at pre-schoolers. The show originally aired on PBS in the United States, it being the first fully animated series to air on that network. In 1994, the Magic School Bus concept was made into a television show of the same name by Scholastic Productions.
The books were written in the first person from the point of view of a student in the Friz's class. Frizzle and her class of students at Walkerville Elementary who board a magical school bus which takes them on educational adventures to space, under the Earth, into the human body, or to other such locations. They were written between 19 by Joanna Cole and illustrated by Bruce Degan. On the 2012 edition, it is Gets Lost in Space.The Magic School Bus is a series of children's books intended to teach scientific concepts to children.
The 2003 box art is based on Out of This World.On the front of the 2012 box art, Professor Frizzle is seen both inside and outside the Bus.The Magic School Bus: Human Bodyand The Magic School Bus Takes a Dive were also rereleased with accompanying Science Chapter Books that year. A 2014 limited-edition "DVD + Book" issue came with a copy of The Magic School Bus: Space Explorers.The 2012 edition is also a part of the three-disc set, "Blast Off! From Sea to Space", which includes The Magic School Bus: The Food Chain (an original compilation with food-themed episodes from Season 1), and a rerelease of 2005's The Magic School Bus Catches a Wave.Frizzle takes the class into space and turns the Bus into a planet - with adjustable gravity!Įpisodes DVD (2003 launch edition) Episode numberīonus Episode: Plays Ball (from Super Sports Fun) When she finds she can’t jump high enough because gravity is “pulling on” her, Ms. Phoebe is chosen to give a slam-dunk exhibition during the big basketball game. Frizzle arranges a field trip into space. After Dorothy Ann sees an asteroid on a crash course toward their school, Ms. Frizzle's class on a field trip and gets them lost in outer space. Arnold's know-it-all cousin Janet drives the whole class crazy when she joins Ms. GETS LOST IN SPACE - Topic: The Solar System.